Reduce, eliminate or reschedule strenuous activities until the coolest time of the day. + How to Stay Safe During Excessive Heat Events Stay Informed: Monitor local radio and television (including NOAA Weather Radio), internet and social media for information and updates. Heat can have lasting impacts as crops may be damaged, reducing production which leads to short supply and or increased cost to the farmers and consumers. Water resources are also strained as conventional power plants require large quantities of water for cooling and crops may need increased water consumption, and people increase water consumption to stay hydrated and cool. Transmission capacity across electric lines is reduced during high temperatures, further straining the electrical grid. Electricity usage increases as air conditioning and refrigeration units in homes and offices work harder to keep indoors cooler. High heat can deteriorate and buckle pavement, warp or buckle railway tracks, and exceed certain types of aircraft operational limits. Heat can be very taxing on the body check out the heat related illnesses that can occur.Įxtreme heat also impacts our infrastructure - from transportation to utilities to clean water and agriculture. They have potential to cover a large area, exposing a high number of people to hazardous heat.

Heat waves can occur with or without high humidity. What is a heat wave? A heat wave is a period of abnormally hot weather generally lasting more than two days.